Case Studies Collection

From Legacy to Innovation: Mainframe Migration Success Stories This comprehensive collection of real-life case studies showcases successful transitions from traditional mainframe environments to modern, agile platforms. These stories highlight the journeys of industry leaders across automotive, telecommunications, and financial services, as they navigate the complex path of IT transformation. Whether you’re looking to offload specific workloads, […]
ISG Sweet Spot Report: LzLabs

Emphasising incremental modernisation and cost reduction, LzLabs supports both legacy and modern programming languages while ensuring seamless cloud integration.
Unlocking the Future with Mainframe Modernisation: An ISG Thought Leadership Paper

Unlocking the Future with Mainframe Modernisation:An ISG Thought Leadership Paper Key Considerations for Modernizing Mainframes to Improve IT Services in Support of Business Success – this ISG thought leadership paper on Mainframe Modernisation commissioned by LzLabs is a roadmap for leaders looking to navigate the complexities of updating legacy systems in alignment with today’s business […]
CIO Magazine: Mainframe Modernisation

Mainframe Modernisation:Many Sensible Steps Lead to Success Navigating the right path with precision: Modernising the mainframe application landscape is a challenging endeavour. Now that “easier” projects have been completed, it’s time to tackle more complex transformations and ensure the agility of the company. This whitepaper by CIO Magazine, in collaboration with LzLabs, outlines viable project […]
CIO Magazin: Mainframe-Modernisierung

Mainframe- Modernisierung:Viele sinnvolle Schritte führen zum Erfolg Kontrolliert den richtigen Weg gehen: Die Modernisierung der Mainframe-Applikationslandschaft ist eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. „Einfachere“ Projekte wurden inzwischen abgeschlossen – jetzt gilt es, komplexere Transformation anzugehen und die Agilität des Unternehmens sicherzustellen. Dieses Whitepaper vom CIO Magazin in Kooperation mit LzLabs zeigt gangbare Migrationspfade und Projektschritte auf. Aus […]
New Whitepaper: Is the Mainframe Your Innovation Platform?

Whitepaper: Is the Mainframe Your Innovation Platform? Moving off the mainframe is not an easy undertaking. While there are good reasons to keep some applications and data where they are, strong business drivers call for legacy modernisation and transformation today. Download our whitepaper to learn more about the approach that minimises the uncertainty of mainframe […]
Livre Blanc : Le mainframe est-il VOTRE plateforme d’innovation ?

Livre Blanc : Le Mainframe est-il votre plateforme d’Innovation ? Se séparer de son mainframe n’est pas une entreprise facile. Bien qu’il y ait de bonnes raisons de conserver certaines applications et données là où elles se trouvent, de fortes motivations commerciales plaident aujourd’hui en faveur d’une modernisation et d’une transformation de l’infrastructure existante. Téléchargez […]
LzLabs Mainframe Modernization Survey 2021

LzLabs Mainframe Modernization Survey 2021 – The Time is Now Discover how IT leaders are adapting their most critical systems to remain competitive in 2021 IT leaders recognize the need to embrace change in order to unlock greater value from their critical mainframe assets The 2021 Mainframe Modernization Survey is produced for LzLabs by market research firm, Vanson Bourne. It surveys […]
LzLabs Mainframe-Modernisierungsumfrage

LzLabs Mainframe-Modernisierungsumfrage 2021 Erfahren Sie, wie IT-Führungskräfte ihre kritischsten Systeme anpassen, um 2021 wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben IT-Führungskräfte erkennen die Notwendigkeit, den Wandel anzunehmen, um einen größeren Mehrwert aus ihren kritischen Mainframe-Umgebungen herauszuholen Die Mainframe-Modernisierungsumfrage 2021 wurde für LzLabs von der Marktforschungsfirma Vanson Bourne durchgeführt. Dabei wurden 650 globale IT-Führungskräfte bei den größten Firmen der Welt […]
Enquête LzLabs sur la modernisation de mainframes en 2021
Enquête LzLabs sur la modernisation de mainframes en 2021 – Le temps est compté Découvrez comment les responsables informatiques adaptent leurs systèmes les plus critiques pour rester compétitifs en 2021 Les responsables informatiques reconnaissent le besoin de changement pour dégager une plus grande valeur de leurs applications mainframe. L’enquête 2021 sur la modernisation mainframe est […]
The benefits of running mainframe applications on Microsoft Azure

The benefits of running mainframe applications on Microsoft Azure Discover how mainframe applications can now take full advantage of the innovative power of cloud Using LzSDM®, mainframe applications can run seamlessly on Microsoft Azure. You now have the option to bring your business DNA to a highly resilient, scalable and robust environment in the cloud. […]
A guide to making mainframe applications cloud native

A guide to making mainframe applications cloud native Discover how mainframe applications can now take full advantage of the innovative power of cloud The Cloud seems stubbornly out of reach for applications that run on mainframes. Big technology players continue to contribute software infrastructure to the cloud, dramatically enhancing opportunities for agility, scalability, micro services […]